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MAHER Carole, ROMEO Amelia, EDNEY Sarah (et al.)
Can smartphone apps increase physical activity ? Systematic review and meta-analysis
Article : Journal of medical internet research, vol. 21 n° 3, 2019-03, 14 p.
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HAMMERSLEY Megan L., JONES Rachel A., OKELY Anthony D.
Parent-focused childhood and adolescent overweight and obesity eHealth Interventions: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Article : Journal of medical internet research, vol. 18 n° 7, 2016-07, 11 p.
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NOUR Monica, CHEN Juliana, ALLMAN-FARINELLI Margaret
Efficacy and external validity of electronic and mobile phone-based interventions promoting vegetable intake in young adults : systematic review and meta-analysis
Article : Journal of medical internet research, vol. 18 n° 4, 2016-04, 19 p.
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Mobile phone apps to promote weight loss and increase physical activity : a systematic review and meta-analysis
Article : Journal of medical internet research, vol. 17 n° 11, 2015-10, 11 p.
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FLAUDIAS Valentin, DE CHAZERON Ingrid, ZERHOUNI Oulmann (et al.)
Preventing alcohol abuse through social networking sites : a first assessment of a two-year ecological approach
Article : Journal of medical internet research, vol. 17 n° 12, 2015, 9 p.
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