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PERRY Martha W., MITTELMARK Maurice B.
Publication ethics : a collective responsability L'éthique des publications : une responsabilité collective
Article : Promotion & education, vol. XV n° 3, 2008-09-03, pp. 3-4
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MUNSTER Francesca
The Ottawa Charter and acute health care La Charte d'Ottawa et les soins intensifs
Article : Promotion & education, vol. 15 n° 2, 2008-06, pp. 35-36
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ENNES Howard
Observations on three-quarters of a century of public health education - national and international
Article : Promotion & education, vol. 15 n° 2, 2008-06, pp. 37-39
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La promotion de la santé : une communauté professionnelle en faveur de la justice sociale
Article : Promotion & education, vol. 15 n° 2, 2008-06, pp. 46-48
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