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Promotion de la santé : apports conceptuels et méthodologiques en santé au travail
Article : Archives des maladies professionnelles et de l'environnement, vol. 73 n° 3, 2012-06, pp. 273-275
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DICLEMENTE Ralph J., CROSBY Richard A., KEGLER Michelle C.
Emerging theories in health promotion practice and research. Second edition
Ouvrage : Jossey-Bass, 2010, 583 p.
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BURKE Nancy J., GALEN Joseph, PASICK Rena J. (et al.)
Theorizing social context : rethinking behavioral theory
Article : Health education & behavior, vol. 36 suppl. 1, 2009-10, pp. 55S-70S
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BARTHOLOMEW L. Kay, PARCEL Guy S., KOK Gerjo (et al.)
Planning health promotion programs. An intervention mapping approach
Ouvrage : Jossey-Bass, 2006, 800 p.
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PARKER Edith A., BALDWIN Grant T., ISRAEL Barbara (et al.)
Application of health promotion theories and models for environmental health
Article : Health education & behavior, vol. 31 n° 4 , 2004-08, pp. 491-509
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Psychologie de la santé. Modèles, concepts et méthodes
Ouvrage : Dunod, 2002, 440 p.
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